Audiorealism DrumMachine VSTi v1.1.1

Release: Audiorealism DrumMachine VSTi v1.1.1

- Datum: 20.04.2008
Booming bassdrums saucy cymbals and crispy snares
can be used to describe the sound of drum machines
from the early 80s. ADM contains three classic
vintage drum machines from that era rolled into one
combined with a 32-step internal sequencer and
pattern controlled fx (PCF). Get all your patterns
into ADM via the Import Rebirth function or directly
from your old 909 via sysex (we will provide a free
tool for dumping sysex).
Three realtime switchable drum machine models
Internal 32 step sequencer with global accent per
step four prescale selections per pattern flam and
shuffle 128 patterns per instance
Pattern transformation functions Expand shrink
swap duplicate steps randomize pattern randomize
part cut/copy/paste pattern and parts
Undo function for pattern transformation functions
Pattern Controlled FX (PCF) which can control any of
the parameters for each step
Various pattern transformation functions
Full MIDI CC with learning function
Rebirth pattern import
Imports 909 Sysex
Two MIDI modes (Pattern and Note)
Tempo sync to host
Polyphony 11 parts total
Outputs 11 individual unprocessed (VST version only
to date) 2 master outputs (processed)
Pattern library
Trigger your own .wav and .aif samples
80+ example patterns
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