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iZotope RX Advanced v1.04

Release: iZotope RX Advanced v1.04

iZotope RX Advanced v1.04

Audio Restoration Redefined
iZotope RX™ is the most complete audio restoration product on the market, a unique standalone application designed from the ground up to combat a range of audio problems. In addition to unique
workflow features designed to help you get the best results, RX's powerful tools can do processing that plug-in based restoration products simply cannot do. This paired with completely new processing technology results in cleaner, more natural sounding noise reduction and audio repair.

RX is ideal for audio restoration and archiving, recording and mastering, broadcasting and podcasting, video production, forensics, and any application that demands spotless results and a truly complete range of restoration tools.

Next Generation Technology

iZotope has spent the last four years developing novel methods for revitalizing noisy and damaged audio, and iZotope RX represents a new milestone in restoration technology.
RX's Denoiser uses techniques adapted from digital imaging to reduce artifacts introduced by noise suppression, leading to more natural results with fewer distracting artifacts.
RX's Spectral Repair module can intelligently re-synthesize corrupted or missing audio with striking results, even recreating details like the vibrato on a singer's voice or changes in pitch.
Many of RX's modules, like the Declipper, use advanced multi-band and multiresolution processing techniques to achieve impressive results.

key features

- a complete standalone application designed for audio restoration
- suppress broadband and tonal noise without the harsh artifacts of other solutions
- remove intermittent noises, corrupted intervals and gaps with Spectral Repair re-synthesis
- eliminate overload distortion by automatically rebuilding clipped sections of audio
- clean up hum and buzz caused by poor wiring and other electrical problems
- remove impulse noises like clicks, crackles and pops, digital artifacts and more
- see more detail with innovative metering and the most advanced spectrogram display available
- select by time and frequency to isolate and repair noise with surgical precision
- save time by processing multiple settings in parallel, and revert to earlier settings with an undo history view

RX Advanced

RX Advanced is an extended version of RX designed for professionals who want greater control over signal processing and delivery options.
To evaluate RX Advanced, download the trial and select the RX Advanced demo from the Authorization tab of the Preferences.

Additional RX Advanced Features:

- iZotope MBIT+™ dithering panel with full control over dithering options
- iZotope 64-bit SRC™ resampling panel with a full range of control
- Advanced manual declicking
- Multi-resolution declipping
- Multi-resolution spectral repair modes
- Advanced denoiser parameters


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