Release: BMZ BAUTHERM EnEV X v3.27

- Datum: 28.02.2008
EnEV BAUTHERM X examine the requirements under EnEV
2002/2004 for residential and non-residential buildings
and the new requirements under EnEV 2007 for residential
buildings. EnEV BAUTHERM X created the energy dena card
(ID card requirements for residential buildings consumer
card for residential and non-residential buildings) a
detailed thermal insulation and moisture-proof protection
an energy consultant report and much more.
EnEV BAUTHERM X reckons after the monthly balance
procedures according to the simplified proof of
procedure or the component processes. For the calculation
of the annual primary energy demand major investments
expenses can figure - taking into account heating
ventilation and hot water - using three different methods
to calculate. Renewable energy and climate protection will
humidity in the whole system. An extensive building
materials and component database are integrated in the
The module allows energy consulting the calculation of the
annual energy costs of a building and calculates the
profitability of modernisation measures in the light of
energy price increases and financing costs. The comparison
of different variants of modernization in a clear
consultants report will help in the necessary investment
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