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Cakewalk Digital Sound Factory Volume 1 Dimension Pro Expansion Pack

Release: Cakewalk Digital Sound Factory Volume 1 Dimension Pro Expansion Pack

Cakewalk Digital Sound Factory Volume 1 Dimension Pro Expansion Pack

Digital Sound Factory Volume 1 is a new Dimension Pro
Expansion Pack that highlights a completely new Grand Piano.
The new expansion pack includes over 200 new presets expertly
programmed by sound designer Timothy Swartz. This set packs
520MB of new content professionally recorded and engineered
from a finely crafted Yamaha Conservatory Grand Piano.
Multiple velocities of pedal up, pedal down, and key up were
recorded to preserve the acoustic harmonic content, resulting
in unmatched realism and playability. The Digital Sound
Factory Volume 1 set also expands upon Dimension Pro's factory
set of Orchestral, Layers, Splits, Electric Pianos, Basses and
more. These new presets layer the new piano samples for the
ultimate Multi-Timbral experience.

Key Features

The piano was recorded with Audio-Technica 4060 microphones
into Universal Audio 2-610 tube preamplifiers. High quality
analog to digital signal processors were used to convert the
sound into 32 bit, 96 kilohertz digital format. Using the
power of the sfz format, parameters such as footswitch (CC64)
will switch between pedal up and pedal down layers, and note
off triggers switch to the actual sound of the piano's key

The library includes ten different banks of sounds: Grand
Piano, Electric Pianos, Guitars, Layers, Orchestral, Organs,
Pads, Splits, Synth Basses, and Synths.

About Digital Sound Factory

The Digital Sound Factory's mission is to provide high quality
sound content at a reasonable price to anyone who owns a
computer with the capability to play audio. Our product line
is vast and growing daily as new sound content comes off the
assembly line. Founder Timothy Swartz, is the producer of the
E-mu Systems, Inc. and Creative Technology Ltd. sound
libraries that pioneered the sampler and sample playback
industry. Many of the products, such as Emulator, Proteus, and
SoundFont libraries have won various editorial awards for the
excellence they bring to the sound and music world. For more
information please see

The Digital Sound Factory Volume 1 is loaded with two hundred
new program files that are ready to help inspire you and your


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