Auto Shutdown Genius v2.1.3

Release: Auto Shutdown Genius v2.1.3

- Datum: 20.07.2007
With Auto Shutdown Genius you can automatically shutdown
power off log off lock workstation hibernate stand by or
screen save your computers at schedule date and time when
the computer is idle or when excessive CPU usage.
Auto Shutdown Genius gives you different ways to schedule the
shutdown events such as daily weekly only once the
computer idle and CPU usage.
During the shutdown it can clean up recycle bin temporary
files IE cache IE cookies IE history and recent document
list to improve system performance and protect your privacy.
The main program of Auto Shutdown Genius is a windows
service. It can be started without the user having to login
to the machine and it wont die after the user logs off. This
feature is very useful and powerful for server manager and
network administrator.
Note The program needs to be run as administrator. If you
work on the Vista platform Please login as administrator
user first and install it.
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