AI Roboform Pro v6.9.84

Release: AI Roboform Pro v6.9.84

- Datum: 19.11.2007
AI RoboForm is a push-button web form filler with some serious
Artificial Intelligence (AI) inside. It allows you to define your
personal profile or "usual" responses to a web form.
This information is then saved, and when you need to fill a form,
just click "Fill Forms" button, and form is filled out.
AI RoboForm is fully client-based, so it is very fast, it never
disables web site functions, and it works even in pop-up HTML
The most important feature of AI RoboForm is high accuracy - it
fills 95% of all fields correctly. (Pro version with advanced
features and commercial license available for 29.95).
À AutoSave passwords in browser.
À AutoFill passwords to login form.
À Click Login button for you.
À Fill personal info into online forms.
À Save offline passwords & notes.
À Generate Secure Random Passwords.
À Encrypt passwords and personal info using 3-DES.
À All personal info is stored on your computer only.
À Put passwords on USB KeyChain for extra security.
À Sync your passwords and safenotes to a Palm.
À Backup & Restore, Print your passwords.
Whats new in v6.9.84?
* Support Netscape 9.0 and Firefox 3 alpha.
* Fix Print List font size.
* Fix Assert in FrameManager:5408.
* Fix AutoLogoff on Standby, it was not always logging off.
* Fix position of current item in multi-page menu when showing
next page.
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