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Expert Sleepers Augustusloop VST v1.7.3

Release: Expert Sleepers Augustusloop VST v1.7.3

Expert Sleepers Augustusloop VST v1.7.3

Augustus Loop

Augustus Loop is an emulation of a tape-based delay
effect with some extra features to facilitate its
use as a looping device.

The key features of Augustus Loop that make it more
than just a big delay effect are

Really long maximum delay (3600 seconds - thats one

Tap length/tap record. You can set the loop delay
time while recording your first phrase.

Virtual tape. The delay simulates an old-style tape
delay meaning you can

change the tape speed (i.e. pitch up and down)

reverse the tape direction

stop the tape

smoothly change the delay time (as if you were
changing the head gap on a tape delay).

Multimode filter and saturation in the feedback loop.

Four feedback taps (left to left left to right
right to left and right to right) with independent
delay time and feedback settings for ping-pong
effects stereo delays etc.

Pitch and filter LFOs.

Loop length can be set in terms of the hosts tempo

The plug-in can output MIDI clock messages to
synchronise other applications to its loop.

Automatic fades up and down to allow smooth
transitions in your playing. It can even
automatically clear the loop for you once its faded

Host transport-syncd punch in and out when

Inertia free mode suppresses the tape-like
behaviour when changing delay times to allow seamless
transitions between loop lengths. (This is also the
route to the popular multiply and divide features
found on some popular looping devices.)


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