Rarlab WinRAR Unplugged v3.70

Release: Rarlab WinRAR Unplugged v3.70

- Datum: 05.10.2007
WinRAR Unplugged is portable Now you can take the best
compression tool with you wherever you go giving you extra
mobility and productivity
WinRAR Unplugged is designed to work without installation
from devices like USB/Flash drives external harddrives
Heres what that means for you
* Use WinRAR anywhere - When you place WinRAR on an
external device you can use it (including your profiles
AV-Code themes etc.) anywhere a Windows PC is
* Complete storage and backup solution - Do you like to
have your personal data with you on an external device when
travelling Now you can take WinRAR Unplugged with you on
your external drives. With WinRAR unplugged you can manage
your data just like at home - anywhere you go
* Safe and secure - When you remove the device with
WinRAR Unplugged all your information is secure and leaves
with you.
* All included - Your personal license key for WinRAR is
also valid for WinRAR Unplugged
* International - WinRAR Unplugged supports 7
interchangeable languages within one version Supported
languages English French Italian German Spanish
Japanese and simplified Chinese. The language files are
available for download at www.win-rar.com/unpl_lang.html.
Simply Download WinRAR Unplugged save it to the device you
want to use it from and double-click the file. WinRAR
Unplugged will then unpack itself at that location. Now you
are ready to run WinRAR Unplugged by double-clicking
WinRAR.exe in the program folder.
CAUTION If you use WinRAR Unplugged from a removable
device we strongly recommend not to remove the device while
WinRAR Unplugged is active If you remove the device while
WinRAR Unplugged is active you might encounter data loss or
hardware damage. WinRAR will assume no responsibility for
problems arising out of this
Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.Ab sofort wird ein großteil der Dateien mit WinRar 5.x gepackt. Die Dateien können mit alten WinRar Versionen wie 4.x weder geöffnet noch entpackt werden da nicht abwärtskompatibel. Installiert euch daher Winrar 5.x >WinRAR 5.x<
2) Install.
3) Overwrite the original files with the cracked ones.
4) Enjoy