ArGoSoft Mail Server.NET Edition v1.0.3.0

Release: ArGoSoft Mail Server.NET Edition v1.0.3.0

- Datum: 18.06.2007
ArGoSoft Mail Server .NET is continues best traditions of their ²Û
Û² older, Win32 based mail servers. It uses concepts and methods, ²Û
Û² used, tested and approved by tens of thousands of users since they ²Û
Û² first released their first mail server in 1999. ²Û
Û² ²Û
Û² But, the .NET version uses more advanced database engine, and ²Û
Û² contanins 100% managed code (.NET), which make it more reliable, ²Û
Û² efficient, fast. The difference in speed is more noticeable with ²Û
Û² IMAP and the Web interface. ²Û
Û² ²Û
Û² It contains two modules: ²Û
Û² * Mail Server module itself, which is a Windows service ²Û
Û² application, and provides SMTP (including secondary SMTP), POP3, ²Û
Û² IMAP and delivery services. It also supports Mailbag domains ²Û
Û² and has built-in anti-spam and security features. ²Û
Û² * An optional web interface, which is a ASP.NET application, and ²Û
Û² allows an access to email (access to server administration will ²Û
Û² be added later). It is free, and comes with source code, ²Û
Û² allowing easy customization and localization. ²Û
Û² ²Û
Û² ²Û
Û² ²Û
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