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Voxengo Warmifier VST v1.5.1

Release: Voxengo Warmifier VST v1.5.1

Voxengo Warmifier VST v1.5.1

Warmifier is a special audio plug-in module which processes a
signal in a way similar to analog valve equipment. This means
that you can achieve a classic valve warming effect right in
your PC DAW environment.

Warmifier can be applied both to the complete mix and to the
individual instruments. You have several parameters at your
disposal that allow you to control the strength and the color
of the warming effect. Also, you have several valve types to
choose from. Each valve type offers a different degree of


- Seven valve types
- Two processing modes
- High quality mode
- "A-to-B" comparisons
- Mono-to-Stereo, Stereo-to-Stereo processing
- Any sample rate is supported
- Factory presets
- 64-bit internal precision
- Native assembler DSP code


Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.

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