AutoUpdatePlus v3.7.5.133

Release: AutoUpdatePlus v3.7.5.133

- Datum: 13.06.2007
Û Deploy updates automatically Û
Û If you're a software developer or an IT Û
Û professional, you know how beneficial it Û
Û is to keep your users updated with the Û
Û very latest versions of your programs. Û
Û Not only do you get to sell more Û
Û upgrades, but your support costs are Û
Û dramatically lower when everyone is using Û
Û the latest versions of your application. Û
Û With AutoUpdate+ you can configure your Û
Û updates to work the way you want them to, Û
Û without spending your valuable resources Û
Û writing an updating system. Û
Û Vista support? Take a look at five Û
Û reasons why AutoUpdate+ is essential for Û
Û you. Û
Û Product Highlights Û
Û Hover over feature item to get more Û
Û information... Û
Û No need for admin accounts Û
Û Works with any tool from C++ to Delphi, Û
Û VB and .NET Û
Û Highly flexible and configurable Û
Û Secure deployment Û
Û Conserve bandwidth Û
Û Silent updates
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