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Crysonic SINDO v1.0 VST

Release: Crysonic SINDO v1.0 VST

Crysonic SINDO v1.0 VST

SINDO is a hybrid stereo image expander (widener) / Narrower offering extremely high level of mono compatibility with minimal side effects. Designed for efficiency SINDO comprises of crysonics' intuitive user interface. SINDO allows to broaden and 'sweeten' the spaciousness of the stereo image whilst retaining mono compatibility and not effecting the tonal character of the original sound. The fatiguing 'phasiness' found in other processors of this type has been avoided by offering a simple three dial process. Phase-compensated ' Shuffler ' is also included to enhance and improve the spaciousness of bass frequencies without introducing 'phasiness'.


Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.

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