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Paragon Total Defrag v2007 Recovery CD

Release: Paragon Total Defrag v2007 Recovery CD

Paragon Total Defrag v2007 Recovery CD

If somebody asks you which part of your computer is the most
important, you’ll undoubtedly answer – a hard disk. You can change
many things in your PC but a hard disk needs a special treatment
because it keeps the most valuable – your information. As any
important thing a hard disk requires your care. Giving some
consideration to it you are able to increase efficiency of your

So, how can you optimize the disk system? A common problem that
often decreases the disk efficiency is non-optimal allocation of
files, the so-called file fragmentation is a process of storing
files on a hard disk, when file fragments are located so non
-optimally, that it leads to slow down read/write operations.
Usually it happens while updating files, when adjacent sectors are
occupied and the system writes updated fragments to farther
sectors. In this case the operating system spends more and more
time on search file fragments in different sectors of the disk
what causes problems decreasing the disk performance.. Under some
inevitable circumstances the system keeps fragments of a file in
different places of the disk, what significantly slows down
reading operations. To defragment files, it is sometimes necessary
to re-write them more compactly. It resembles threading beads –
file fragments are gathering one by one, after that the system
will spend less time on reading the file.

There are many solutions for the file fragmentation problem. Total
Defrag™ is one of them. It is a reliable tool, which provides 27
defragmentation is a process of re-writing file fragments on a
hard disk in an optimal way, when they are locating so compactly
that the operating system spends less time on searching separated
fragments. The defragmentation procedure resolves the file
fragmentation problem. strategies and uses unique low-level
optimization algorithms. Despite the complicity of tasks Total
Defrag has an easy-to-use interface. Moreover the present manual
will help you to find the answers to many of the technical
questions, which might arise while using the program.


Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.

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