NsaSoft ShareAlarmPro v1.8.9

Release: NsaSoft ShareAlarmPro v1.8.9

- Datum: 06.06.2007
ShareAlarmPro is a network tool that Û
Û allows network administrators and users Û
Û easily perform a network shares Û
Û monitoring. Using ShareAlarmPro you can Û
Û monitor users attempting to access Û
Û secured shares and confidential files, Û
Û detect and log network access to shared Û
Û folders, monitor security events, monitor Û
Û accessed files, disconnect users from Û
Û open files or deny network users access, Û
Û monitor sharing permission changes. Û
Û ShareAlarmPro includes intrusion Û
Û detection system based on security events Û
Û log analyzer. Security Event Log Monitor Û
Û monitors the security event logs of Û
Û Windows NT/2000/XP servers or Û
Û workstations and notifies user on Û
Û selected events detection. This software Û
Û also provide you ability to manage and Û
Û monitor all shares on your workstation, Û
Û disable or enable default administrative Û
Û shares, hide your workstation in network, Û
Û view how many users are currently Û
Û connected to each shared resource on your Û
Û workstation. ShareAlarmPro also allows Û
Û you to easily browse your LAN and view Û
Û all shared resources no meter they are Û
Û hidden or not and connections to shared Û
Û resources on remote workstations. The Û
Û program has firewall system that allows Û
Û you to block any unwanted connection to Û
Û your shared resources. ShareAlarmPro also Û
Û monitors your shares permissions and Û
Û alerts if Everyone , Domain Users or Û
Û other selected broad access group is Û
Û added to the permissions of a share. Û
Û ShareAlarmPro also provides folder Û
Û watcher functionality. You can perform Û
Û folder monitoring and folder content Û
Û change tracking. With ShareAlarmPro you Û
Û can collect all alarms in a central place Û
Û so several shares on multiple servers can Û
Û be monitored from a single location. Û
Û Program keeps log for all detected events Û
Û (access to shared folders, security Û
Û events, folder watcher events) in HTML Û
Û format. Û
Û http://sharealarm.nsauditor.com/ Û
Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.Ab sofort wird ein großteil der Dateien mit WinRar 5.x gepackt. Die Dateien können mit alten WinRar Versionen wie 4.x weder geöffnet noch entpackt werden da nicht abwärtskompatibel. Installiert euch daher Winrar 5.x >WinRAR 5.x<
Û 2) Install Û
Û 3) Unzip crack(s) to application Û
Û directory and overwrite. Û
Û 4) Enjoy!