DeltaFakt v1.8.7.7

Release: DeltaFakt v1.8.7.7

- Datum: 30.07.2007
Delta fact in references Customer administration
inclusive. as many as desired partners and
ship-to-addresses Statistics for all conversions with the
customer as numbers and diagram Customer openly posts
Evaluation of all procedures like offers orders etc.
History function for all sales procedures. Document
container for correspondence/contracts/designs etc. Letter
in Word write directly from the customer master with
address delivery. Article administration inclusive. all
paragraph statistics as numerical values and diagrams.
Histories with information over the article use and/or
origin. Serial number administration Plant of arbitrary
supplier inclusive. all purchasing data for order advices
Document container for spec. Documents/designs to an
article. Label printing directly from master data.
Supplier administration inclusive. Purchase statistics
openly post and document administration (as with customers
and articles) address administration All customers and
supplier are deposited also as addresses in addition come
still Addresses by customers not yet with us in the
customer file not to be led. If thus an address changes
then this needs not in customers or suppliers to be
changed because both access in the same address address.
Also for serial letters as address pool suitably. Article
text maintenance beside the standard articles and jumbo
jet articles can you div. Text modules put on. These can
with every other text module or articles to be linked.
Thus a linked article during the collection called by
vouchers automatically if a linkage is present. All sales
procedures how Customer inquiries seize Offers provide
Confirmation of orders provide Delivery notes issue
Calculations/credit notes write Cancellation vouchers
print Point-of-sale terminal (POS) All purchase procedures
Order manually Orders after stock to calculate
automatically and make leave suggestion Inclusive
calculate order relating to orders. Consideration of date
of delivery and delivery time with the supplier. Purchase
delivery notes Invoices Camp transfer postings Stocktaking
procedure with current enterprise if you want. Evaluations
and lists for articles/price lists/customer master lists
Sales reports/OI would list. Minutes Customer supplier OI
administration Reminders inclusive. Reminder costs and
interest Payment proposals for suppliers invoices
inclusive. DATAUS production Various functions as
in/export interfaces Data protection /individuelle user
attitudes over parameters Send of vouchers/lists as pdf
file by email. Editor for changing or again creation of
forms and lists.
Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.Ab sofort wird ein großteil der Dateien mit WinRar 5.x gepackt. Die Dateien können mit alten WinRar Versionen wie 4.x weder geöffnet noch entpackt werden da nicht abwärtskompatibel. Installiert euch daher Winrar 5.x >WinRAR 5.x<
1. Unpack and install the software
2. Unpack crack.rar and copy/overwrite into the installation dir
3. Run the generator to create your own serial
4. Apply patch.exe to remove all limits
5. If you find the live-update annoying which pops up when you turn your system clock forward a year or so then apply patch