Pocket Wizards Easy Sync v2.5.5

Release: Pocket Wizards Easy Sync v2.5.5

- Datum: 18.05.2007
Easy Sync allows you to synchronize and backup .X/\X
X/\X. unlimited number of files and folders between .X/\X
X/\X. your Desktop and Pocket computers. .X/\X
X/\X. Have you ever faced with a problem connected .X/\X
X/\X. with synchronizing your files between your PC .X/\X
X/\X. and PDA? Have you spent enough hours dragging .X/\X
X/\X. and copying them manually? We decided to .X/\X
X/\X. accomplish routine synchronization with a tool .X/\X
X/\X. that saves time and brings more comfort in your .X/\X
X/\X. mobile life. .X/\X
X/\X. .X/\X
X/\X. Easy Sync automatically synchronizes and .X/\X
X/\X. backups unlimited number of files and folders .X/\X
X/\X. located anywhere on your PDA (including Storage .X/\X
X/\X. Cards) and PC - automatically. It is a desktop .X/\X
X/\X. application and there is no need to install .X/\X
X/\X. anything on your PDA. Works over any type of .X/\X
X/\X. connections supported by Active Sync and .X/\X
X/\X. fulfills its limited functionality of file .X/\X
X/\X. synchronization. Easy-to-use interface. .X/\X
X/\X. .X/\X
X/\X. Here are some key features of "Easy Sync": .X/\X
X/\X. .X/\X
X/\X. · Any number of folders .X/\X
X/\X. · Processing of sub-folders .X/\X
X/\X. · Works automatically .X/\X
X/\X. · Sync to Storage Cards .X/\X
X/\X. · Tray-minimized mode .X/\X
X/\X. · Familiar interface .X/\X
X/\X. .X/\X
X/\X. Requirements: .X/\X
X/\X. .X/\X
X/\X. · .NET Framework 2.0 .X/\X
X/\X. · Microsoft Active Sync
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X/\X: Enjoy! :X/\X
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