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Kate Ryan - Alive

Release: Kate Ryan - Alive

Kate Ryan - Alive

°° 01 . Je T'adore [03:07] °°
°° 02 . All for You [03:10] °°
°° 03 . Alive [03:32] °°
°° 04 . Tapping on the Table [03:29] °°
°° 05 . Spinning Around [03:43] °°
°° 06 . How Many Times [04:01] °°
°° 07 . Nothing [03:24] °°
°° 08 . Why Imagine [04:37] °°
°° 09 . Driving Away [03:40] °°
°° 10 . Love or Lust [03:44] °°
°° 11 . Wonderland [03:20] °°
°° 12 . Stepping Out [03:35] °°
°° 13 . That Kiss I Miss [03:15] °°
°° 14 . Je T'adore (French Version) [03:07] °°
°° 15 . Je Donnerais Tout (French Version of All for You) [03:09] °°
°° 16 . Alive (French Version) [03:32] °°
°° 17 . Combien De Fois [04:00] °°
° (French Version of How Many Times) °
Û° ------- °
° Total Playing time: 60:25 Min °
°° Total Size: 101,2 Mb °°


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Û±Ý Album........: Alive ݱÛ
ÛÛ° Artist.......: Kate Ryan °°Û
²Û Genre........: Dance Û²
Û Û²
Û Label........: n/a Catalog.No.: n/a Û²
Û Û²
Û° Tracks.......: 17 °Û°
²Û° Duration.....: 60:25 mins °Û²
Û° Size.........: 101,2 MB Quality....: VBR kbps / 44,1khz °²
Û²° Release Date.: Sep/15/2006 Mode.......: Joint-Stereo °²Û


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