My Privacy Multi-User v3.3

Release: My Privacy Multi-User v3.3

- Datum: 04.06.2007
? ßÜ ?Ý ? My Privacy Multi-User enables a user with the ? Þ? Üß ?Û
?Ü ????Ü ? Administrator rights to determine a policy of ? Ü???? Ü?Û
ÛÛ???ß? ? ensuring personal privacy for each PC user. Thus, ? ?ß???ÛÛß
ßÛÛÛÜ ? ?? you will be sure in non-disclosure of private ?? ? ÜÛÛÛß?
ÞÛÛÛÝ ?? information of both you and other PC users that is ?? ÞÛÛÛÝ ?
ÜÛÛ??Ý ?? of crucial importance in case of shared access to a ?? Þ??ÛÛÜÜ
?Û??ß ??ß PC. My Privacy supports Internet Explorer, Netscape ß?? ß??Û?ß
?ß? Üß? and Mozilla Firefox web browsers. ?ßÜ ?ß?Ü
? ßÜ ?Ý ?
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