VisualCAM 2006 v15.1.8

Release: VisualCAM 2006 v15.1.8

- Datum: 13.05.2007
VisualCAM provides electronic design and manufacturing ²Û²
²Û² engineering professionals with the tools they need for ²Û²
²Û² complete control over their PCB design, manufacturing, ²Û²
²Û² and assembly data flow. From visual verification to ²Û²
²Û² high-level data analysis, VisualCAM simplifies and ²Û²
²Û² automates your PCB post-processing tasks. It includes ²Û²
²Û² everything from feature-rich data editing to automated ²Û²
²Û² Assembly Reverse Engineering -- all of which are there to ²Û²
²Û² streamline the flow of data between PCB design, ²Û²
²Û² manufacturing, and assembly. ²Û²
²Û² ²Û²
²Û² - VisualCAM's intuitive graphical user interface, ²Û²
²Û² Navigator, toolbars, and hotkeys allow you to focus on ²Û²
²Û² accomplishing tasks quickly and efficiently, rather than ²Û²
²Û² on the technical details of operating the software. ²Û²
²Û² ²Û²
²Û² - Native support of ODB++, ODB++ XML, and IPC-2581 ²Û²
²Û² (Offspring) drive the flow of intelligent data from any ²Û²
²Û² major CAD system to VisualCAM. ²Û²
²Û² ²Û²
²Û² - When intelligent data is unavailable, the Import Wizard ²Û²
²Û² takes the guesswork out of importing traditional Gerber ²Û²
²Û² files into VisualCAM. ²Û²
²Û² ²Û²
²Û² - Validating the connectivity of any design is fast, ²Û²
²Û² accurate, and efficient using the HyperNETLIST Generation ²Û²
²Û² and Comparison functions. During netlist comparison, a ²Û²
²Û² Pin-Point Error feature eliminates the headaches involved ²Û²
²Û² with troubleshooting shorts and opens. ²Û²
²Û² ²Û²
²Û² - Dynamic DfM Analysis provides a full suite of analysis ²Û²
²Û² tools that are presented in a single, checklist-style ²Û²
²Û² environment. This "single run" setup processes all your ²Û²
²Û² rule combinations at one time, thus increasing throughput ²Û²
²Û² and eliminating repetitive processing. ²Û²
²Û² ²Û²
²Û² - The efficiency of VisualCAM's automated tools, such as ²Û²
²Û² the Solder and Paste Mask Generators/Optimizers, Advanced ²Û²
²Û² Panelization, and Bare-Board Test Fixture Generation, ²Û²
²Û² reduces your time-to-market and costs. ²Û²
²Û² ²Û²
²Û² - Automated Assembly Reverse Engineering capabilities ²Û²
²Û² offer state-of-the-art extraction of component footprint ²Û²
²Û² and centroid information from non-intelligent Gerber ²Û²
²Û² data. No other software tool offers the same level of ²Û²
²Û² automation and performance found in VisualCAM.
Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.Ab sofort wird ein großteil der Dateien mit WinRar 5.x gepackt. Die Dateien können mit alten WinRar Versionen wie 4.x weder geöffnet noch entpackt werden da nicht abwärtskompatibel. Installiert euch daher Winrar 5.x >WinRAR 5.x<
²Û² 2. Extract Lmgr.dll & Wise03.lic from into ²Û²
²Û² ':\Program Files\WISE Software Solutions\License'-dir. ²Û²
²Û² 3. Extract Lmgr.dll & VisualCAM.exe from into ²Û²
²Û² ':\VisualCAM 2006 15.1\Program\'-directory. ²Û²
²Û² 4. Run License Manager, goto Advanced tab and check the ²Û²
²Û² current path to your license file and replace it with ²Û²
²Û² the one included in ²Û²
²Û² 5. Enjoy! ²Û²
²Û² ²Û²
²Û² NOTE: ²Û²
²Û² ²Û²
²Û² There seems to be a bug in the installer when using a non ²Û²
²Û² English windows version, you can fix this by adding a ²Û²
²Û² user named "Users". You can remove it again when the ²Û²
²Û² setup is done. ²Û²