RAM Booster Pro v5.0.1

Release: RAM Booster Pro v5.0.1

- Datum: 13.05.2007
²Û² RAM Booster Pro v5.0 uses an advance technology which ²Û²
²Û² stops the memory leak and boosts up your system's RAM up ²Û²
²Û² to 60-70% more. Now No need to restart the system after ²Û²
²Û² playing Games OR viewing any DVD, RAM Booster Pro v5.0 ²Û²
²Û² will automatically stop the memory leak and will boost up ²Û²
²Û² your RAM. RAM Booster Pro v5.0 has been designed in such ²Û²
²Û² a way that it automatically boosts the RAM when it drops ²Û²
²Û² to certain level ²Û²
²Û² ²Û²
²Û² RAM Booster Pro v5.0 has designed is such a way ²Û²
²Û² that any body even your kid can use it. Just set it once ²Û²
²Û² and then forget it, RAM Booster Pro v5.0 will then work ²Û²
²Û² automatically according to your and system settings. RAM ²Û²
²Û² Booster Pro v5.0 analyzes and then optimizes every ²Û²
²Û² setting for absolute best performance. RAM Booster Pro ²Û²
²Û² v5.0 algorithms has been made in such a way that it ²Û²
²Û² doesn't need any attention of yours It will handle tons ²Û²
²Û² of jobs on its own. Not only this RAM Booster checks ²Û²
²Û² your PC's RAM and will boost up automatically, if your ²Û²
²Û² PC's RAM has been dropped to a certain level OR when your ²Û²
²Û² PC's performance is dropping. RAM Booster Pro v5.0 will ²Û²
²Û² automatically free the RAM for programs which needed the ²Û²
²Û² most. Just download RAM Booster Pro v5.0 and see the ²Û²
²Û² boost up performance of your PC.
Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.Ab sofort wird ein großteil der Dateien mit WinRar 5.x gepackt. Die Dateien können mit alten WinRar Versionen wie 4.x weder geöffnet noch entpackt werden da nicht abwärtskompatibel. Installiert euch daher Winrar 5.x >WinRAR 5.x<
²Û² 2. Unzip crack.zip into installation directory. ²Û²
²Û² 3. Enjoy! ²Û²