Android Only Paid Apps Collection 2024 (Week 04)

Release: Android Only Paid Apps Collection 2024 (Week 04)

- Datum: 30.01.2024
Größe: 7160 MB
Sprache: Multi/Deutsch
Format: APK
Plattform: Android
This is Best Paid Android Applications With Last Update.
If something doesn't work, try a clean install.
LP means Lucky Patcher
GP means Patched Google Play
UP means Uret Patcher
JP means Jasi Patche
3D Effect Launcherv4.5.5
ADV Screen Recorder Pro v4.10.1build118
AI Chat v3.8.6.0
AI Retouch RemoveObjectsv1.163.34ded
AZIP Master v3.8.5385
Advanced EnglishDictionaryv10.5
AlMosaly AthanAzkarQiblav12.1.5ed
AmoledPix 4.5
Ampere Pro v4.14 build 275 Lite
Anti Spy v28.
Apktool Mv2.4.0 2401042024010401
AppMgr Pro III v5.69build230005699
Audiomack Musicer v6.34.824460
AutoResponder for WhatsApp3.5.2
AutoResponder forMessengerv3.5.2
BIG Launcher v4.9.0
BIG Phone forSeniorsv4.9.0
BIG SMS forSeniorsv4.9.0
Balance v1.107.0 build613
Battery Guru v2.2.2build481
BikeTracker Bike ComputerSportTrackerv3.3.03Unlocked
BlackHole v1.15.10
BlackHole v1.15.10lite
BlockerX v4.9.30 XByRBs
Bugjaeger v5.0 252
Bundle Breaking Newsv5.0.18
Busuu v31.10.3906071
Calculator Plus withHistory6.8.2fix
Camera MicrophoneBlockerv2.1.2Unlocked
Camera Translator v2.1.6
Carly v91.62Lite Arm64 v8a
Carly v91.62Lite Armeabi v7a
Castify CastTVv12.15610156sign
Chatbot AI Askmeanythingv3.9.12b493Pro
ChromePublic ARM
ChromePublic ARM64
ChromePublic x64
Chronus v24.0.1 Pro
Chronus v24.0.2Pro
Chronus Pro v24.0.1 build 193630
Code en pochev2.21.0
Comp andGPSTools v26.2.3build2623 Editsign
Constellations Live Wallpaperv1.2.14NoAds
Core v4.4
Crypto App WidgetsAlerts News Bitcoin Pricesv3.4.3
Cute Wallpapers v5.0.22 Pro
Cyfer Translator v0.32
Daily Expenses 3v3.634.G
DevCheck DeviceSystem Infov4.92
Digital clockweather v6.40.1
EPIK v4.3.4
Equalizer v2.6.4
Equalizer v5.0.3 160Pro
FFShare 40 3BCompressMediawithffmpeg413Bv1.2.8a
Fitia Diet MealPlannerv17.2.8Unlockedarmeabi v7a2Barm64 v8a
Flo v9.41.1
Floccus build v5.0.7
Flow Productivity Launcherv18.5
Flow ProductivityLauncherv18.6ed
Flud v1.10.8 build 4000019
Footej Camera v1.2.9100246
GPS Map Stamp 1.6.10 Pro
GPT Notesv3.3.0.2VIP
Gallery PROv8.0.696
Hibernator Close AllAppsv2.35.24982
Hotstar v23.12.18.10ed
ICON Bluric v1.3.6 P
ICON Bold v2.8.0 P
ICON BoldR v2.8.0 P
ICON Favo v1.7.5 P
ICON Ghost v3.1 P
ICON Iggy v12.0.9 P
ICON Light Sensation v9.0.0 P
ICON LuX v3.1 P
ICON Lux Black v3.1 P
ICON Minimus v1.1.3 P
ICON Pixie R v7.0.5 P
ICON Ruggon v5.4.7 P
ICON Sewing v3.5 P
ICON YellowLine v5.1 P
ICON You v3.1 P
ISS Detector Pro v2.05.14Probuild3005514
IgeBlock 1.0.86
Image VideoDateFixerv2.1.4
Invoice Maker1.01.97.0103
Islamic Stickers Appv10.2Lite
JioSaavn v9.10.2 Pro
JioTV v7.1.3b331
Kika Keyboard v6.6.9.7400
KillApps v1.38.2 Pro
Lark Player v5.67.6
Learnish LearnEnglishWordsv1.5b17
Lensa v4.5.12 767Unlimited
LogoMaker v1.1.7ded
MacroDroid v5.39.4arm64 v8a
MacroDroid v5.39.4armeabi v7a
Malwarebytes 5.3.42B89
Map Coordinates Pro v5.6.4 build323
Mi Band 6WatchFacesv8UMPL50Subscribed
Mivo v3.34.688
Money Lover v8.6.1.22 build6641
Moon Plus Readerv9.0900001Pro
Moon Reader Pro v9.0build900000
Moon Reader Prov9.0900001edarm64 v8a
Moon Reader Prov9.0900001edarmeabi v7a
MuscleWiki 2.3.5
MyTheme v12.9
NV Player AF1.1.0MultiCustomAdaptiveArm7
NV Player AF1.1.0MultiCustomAdaptivearm64 v8a
NYT Cooking v2.80.0 build2406355
Navigation Bar BackHomeRecentButtonv3.2.2
NetShare 2.23 4041
Notes Note list v4.27build160
Nothing But Different v2.5.0 P
OldRoll v4.8.4ed
PLAYit v2.7.13.8ded
Panda Video Compressorv1.1.82arm64
Parallel translationofBooksv3.31072
Parallel translationofBooksv3.31073
Photo Crop v7.0.7Pro
Photo Retouchv1.2.530
Photo Studio v2.7.2.2195
PhotoDirector v18.9.0 build90180900
PhotoFix v3.1.8ded
PhotoShot Photo Editorv2.17.6283
PhotoShot Photo Editorv2.17.6283arm64 v8a
PhotoShot v2.17.7
Picsart v24.0.2
Planes Livev1.43.0
Poweramp Equalizerbuild 982 uniBetaunlockedarmeabi v7aarm64 v8a
Poweramp Equalizerv3build980uni
Prayer Times andQiblav3.7.1arm64
QAI Chat v14.1Unlocked
REVER MotorcycleGPSRoutePlannerDiscoverv7.1.0
RTO Vehicle InformationAppCarInfov7.36.0
Radio v20240101ded
ReLens v3.1.3
RedReader v1.23.1
Remove Noise v2.0VIP
RiMusic 40 3BYouTubeMusicClient413Bv0.6.15.1 5BGitHub5D
Rocket Widgets 1.9.5
SHUB v2.1.4a
SO S20 LauncherforGalaxyS4.3.5
Sapo forKWGTPro1.3
Scanner Radio PoliceScannerv8.0.4.3Pro
Screenshot Flow v5.0.0
SelfieU v6.10.9188Pro
Slice VPN v1.217
Smallpdf PDFScannerEditorv1.71.0
Smart AudioBook Playerv10.3.9build301039
Smart Remote ControlforLGTVs SmartThinQv5.5
SnapEdit v5.5.0
Songsterr v5.18.1
Soul Browser v1.3.97
Speed Test andWifiyzerv2.1.45
Spotify v8.8.96.364 build 108530164 Lite arm64 v8a
Spotify v8.8.96.364 build 108530164 Lite armeabi v7a
Stable VPN v1.120
Stock MasterInvesting StocksMarketsPortfoliosv7.1
Stock MasterInvesting StocksMarketsPortfoliosv7.12
Super S10 LauncherGalaxyS105.1.1
Synced Lyrics Editorv23.12.28
Tasker 6.2.22L00K
Telegram v10.5.0 cloneded
Telegram v10.5.0ded
TestMaker v8.3.5Pro
TimelyBills v1.23.136
Tiny BrowserProv2.6
Tracker Detect Pro v7.5.2 P
TuneIn Radio Pro v33.1.5build276721 armeabi v7a,arm64 v8a,x86,x8664
Typing SpeedTestv7.9
UVX Player Prov3.2.576
Untracker Removetrackinginformationbeforesharinglinksv1.0.15BGitHub5D
Ventusky Weather MapsRadarv30.33032
Video erandStoriesv9.6.7Pro
Video CompressorReduce Sizev1.80
Video toMP3Converterv2.2.3ded
Vidma Recorderv3.7.23ded
VivaCut v3.5.2ViP
WPS v18.6build1486
Wakey v9.0.1 build805032236
Wave Live WallpapersMaker3Dv6.6.9
Word v300297
YMusic vYMusicv3.8.2
Yara v32.0
YouCam Makeup v6.16.5
Youtube v18.45.43 RVERootBlackRVP 2.209.1arm64 v8aK
Youtube v18.45.43 RVERootBlackRVP 2.209.1armeabi v7aK
Youtube v18.45.43 RVERootDarkRVP 2.209.1arm64 v8aK
Youtube v18.45.43 RVERootDarkRVP 2.209.1armeabi v7aK
Zoo VPN v2.7
apk signer Amateur v7.1.9ed
eRecorder v2.9.56Pro
exteraGram beta universal 01012024 3.38
iNote v1.3.0
kino.hd 3.4.1
kuma.notificationbutton 1.0.30
nzb360 Sonarr Radarr SAB and more v17.1.1 b424
nzb360 Sonarr Radarr SAB and more v17.1.1 b423
smartaudiobookplayer 10.3.8
symphony v2023.12.108
vesipc v2.2.6 release
wtmp.svdsoftware 6.4.1
How To Install
1- Move APK onto your device.
2- Move obb folder to \sdcard\Android\obb .
3 - Install Application.
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Aktuell kann es bei manchen Browsern bei Downloads zu Meldungen "Unsicherer Download Blockiert" kommen. Die Dateien können trotzdem heruntergeladen werden. Uns wurde zugesichert, dass bereits an dem Problem gearbeitet wird und es bald behoben sein sollte.
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4 Dateien 7,16 GB 12 Dateien 4 Dateien 7,16 GB
Ab sofort wird ein großteil der Dateien mit WinRar 5.x gepackt. Die Dateien können mit alten WinRar Versionen wie 4.x weder geöffnet noch entpackt werden da nicht abwärtskompatibel. Installiert euch daher Winrar 5.x >WinRAR 5.x<