PGI Workstation Server v7.0.4 x64

Release: PGI Workstation Server v7.0.4 x64

- Datum: 08.05.2007
The PGI Server includes PGI high-performance compilers
along with the PGDBG® OpenMP parallel graphical debugger
and the PGPROF® OpenMP parallel graphical performance
profiler. Together, they allow multiple users to
compile, debug and profile on any compatible computer
networked to the system on which the PGI compilers are
installed (a network-floating license). Debugging and
profiling are limited to a maximum of 16 multi-core
processors. Executables produced by PGI Server limit the
number of threads that will be used for OpenMP or
auto-parallel programs. The maximum is equal to 16 times
the number of cores within the processor on which
execution is initiated. Executables can be executed on
any compatible system regardless of whether the PGI
compilers are installed.
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