Delete Duplicates for Microsoft Outlook v3.4.0.1

Release: Delete Duplicates for Microsoft Outlook v3.4.0.1

- Datum: 04.05.2007
Delete Duplicates for Outlook enables you to delete duplicate e-mail º³º
º³ºmessages from your Outlook mailboxes. It is a add-in, i.e. an º³º
º³ºauxiliary program that interfaces with Outlook, can operate in and on º³º
º³ºthe Outlook environment, and provides functions that Outlook itself º³º
º³ºdoes not provide. Why the need for this program, since if you see º³º
º³ºduplicates you could delete them yourself? The answer is that many º³º
º³ºpeople now conduct much of their professional and personal º³º
º³ºcommunication -- indeed much of their professional and personal lives º³º
º³º-- via e-mail, and some people use Outlook as their filing system for º³º
º³ºcorrespondence. This leads to a situation in which people have º³º
º³ºhundreds or thousands of Outlook mailboxes on their computer, º³º
º³ºcontaining thousands or tens of thousands of messages, and this can º³º
º³ºmake it difficult or impossible to even spot duplicate messages, º³º
º³ºespecially if they reside in different mailboxes.
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