Altap Salamander v2.5 Final

Release: Altap Salamander v2.5 Final

- Datum: 30.04.2007
Why should Altap Servant Salamander 2.5 be the one you choose?
It is small, fast, stable, and user-friendly.
It is similar to some widely used MS-DOS commanders like
Norton Commander.
It supports drag&drop, right-click context menus, and
clipboard operations with files.
It allows you to browse network drives without mapping (it
supports UNC paths).
What are main features of Altap Servant Salamander 2.5?
Two independent panels with directory listings.
Open plugin architecture.
Directory listings always up to date.
Hotkeys for all functions.
Internal support for ZIP, RAR, ARJ, CAB, ACE, and TAR/GZIP
Support for creating self-extracting archives.
The ability to view content of files (text, html, over 40
picture formats, mp3, etc.).
Command line for executing arbitrary commands through the
system shell.
Support for long filenames, file type associations, and
compression on NTFS volumes.
Internal viewer for up to 2 GB files with text and hex
Easy handling even with files over 4 GB.
Changing case of filenames.
Very fast file and directory search.
User menu for all selected files and directories.
Online HTML help.
- Eroiica Viewer 1.14
- WinSCP 1.5
- 7-ZIP 1.12
- Checksum 1.05
- Check Version 1.1
- Database Viewer 1.09
- Disk Copy 1.07
- Encrypt & Decrypt 1.06
- File Comparator 1.09
- FTP Client 1.23
- FTP Search 1.08
- Internet Explorer Viewer 1.1
- Multimedia Viewer 1.1
- Portable Executable Viewer 2.02
- PictView 2.05
- Quake PAK 1.68
- Registry Editor 1.08
- Renamer 1.08
- Split & Combine 1.08
- TAR 3.23
- UnACE 2.18
- UnARJ 1.18
- UnCAB 1.24
- UnFAT 1.05
- UnISO 1.09
- UnLHA 1.08
- UnMIME 1.08
- UnRAR 2.18
- Undelete 1.05
- Windows Mobile 1.05
- ZIP 1.23
Altap Salamander aka Servant Salamander - new name, but same
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