SlySoft Software Collection 23.09.22

Release: SlySoft Software Collection 23.09.22

- Datum: 23.09.2022
Größe: 196 MB
Sprache: Multi, Deutsch
Format: exe
Plattform: Windows
Medizin: Keygen, Patch
AnyDVD is a Windows software that works automatically in the background to transparently enable read access of the contents of a movie DVD as soon as it's inserted into the drive.
AnyDVD HD comes with same functionality as AnyDVD, but with full Blu-Ray and HD DVD support and many more additional features.
CloneBD lets you copy any unprotected Blu-ray to your hard drive, or any blank Blu-ray disc. With just a few clicks you can choose to make a partial copy of selected titles, audio languages, and subtitle languages, or you can do a straight 1:1 complete copy of your Blu-ray.
CloneDVD makes perfect backup copies of your unprotected movie DVDs with only 3 mouse-clicks and in less than 20 minutes.
CloneDVD mobile
CloneDVD mobile converts your movie DVD easily and quickly into a format your portable devices like Sony PSP, Apple iPod Video, iAudio X5, Creative Labs ZEN Vision etc. can play.
CloneCD backs up your music, data or navigation CDs, regardless of standard conformity.
Game Jackal Pro
GameJackal is the ultimate must have killer app for the PC gamer! If you, like most gamers, find it annoying looking for and inserting the CD-ROM for your favorite game each time you play it, then GameJackal is for you.
Game Jackal Enterprise
GameJackal Enterprise has become the gaming tool of choice for cyber cafes! Cyber cafe owners and managers stand arm in arm with the private gaming community when it comes to no CD gaming.
AnyDVD & AnyDVD HD v8.1.7.0
CloneBD v1.3.2.0
CloneCD v5.3.4.0
CloneDVD Mobile v1.9.5.0
CloneDVD v2.9.3.3
GameJackal Enterprise v4.1.1.2
GameJackal Pro v5.1.0.0
Virtual CloneDrive v5.5.0.0
Fox Killer v9
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