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Kenny Rogers - Greatest Hits

Release: Kenny Rogers - Greatest Hits

Kenny Rogers - Greatest Hits

CD 1

01 - Me and Bobby McGee.mp3
02 - Shine On Ruby Mountain.mp3
03 - A Poem for my Little Lady.mp3
04 - Ticket to Nowhere.mp3
05 - Rugy, Dont' Take Your Love to Town.mp3
06 - GoodTime Liberator.mp3
07 - Where Does Rosie Go .mp3
08 - Heed The Call.mp3
09 - Tell it All Brother.mp3
10 - Love Woman.mp3
11 - Something's Burnin'.mp3
12 - Loser.mp3
13 - We All Got to help Each Other.mp3
14 - I'm Gonna Sing You a Sad Song.mp3

CD 2

01 - Elvira.mp3
02 - Reuben James.mp3
03 - Sunshine.mp3
04 - Homemade Lie.mp3
05 - Always Leaving, Always Gone.mp3
06 - For the Good Times.mp3
07 - All God's Lonely Children.mp3
08 - Lay it Down.mp3
09 - What am I Gonna Do.mp3
10 - Tulsa Turnaround.mp3
11 - The King of oak Street.mp3
12 - Camptown Ladies.mp3
13 - Molly.mp3
14 - Good Lady of Toronto.mp3


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