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D16 Phoscyon VSTi v1.5.7

Release: D16 Phoscyon VSTi v1.5.7

D16 Phoscyon VSTi v1.5.7

Taking the classic analogue sound of the legendary silver box into the future, PHOSCYON offers an unmatched sound together with advanced features such as a state of the art Distortion unit; fully user configurable BPM sync'd Arpeggiator and Randomizer; a unique 'Play Live' mode; vintage arrangement and pattern builder, full MIDI CC support and, to top it off, the most authentic 18db/oct low pass filter ever created!
Diehard fans of the original Bass Line will be blown away with PHOSCYON’s uncanny emulation of the classic, but will also marvel at the ease with which new sounds can be crafted; sounds which were not possible on the original. PHOSCYON gives you access authentic vintage sounds at a fraction of the cost of the real thing. With the familiar Bass Line interface coupled with the added sound generation tools, we at D16 Group feel that PHOSCYON is quite simply in a class of its own.
PHOSCYON's designers are also musicians who believe that in order for electronic music to stay relevant, it needs to evolve – just like any other genre. Our approach is to give forward thinking musicians and producers the tools they need to craft the sounds they want. Whether it’s Techno, Acid, Triphop, IDM, D&B, Ambient, or any other kind of genre-bending music, PHOSCYON will take your sound further. Please visit our ONLINE SHOP to start making new music now with PHOSCYON!


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