NavisWorks JetStream v5.2.3

Release: NavisWorks JetStream v5.2.3

- Datum: 06.01.2007
ÞÛÛ²° ß²ÜÜß JetStream 5.2 Released & Shipping With ßÜÜ²ß °²ÛÛÝ
²ÛÛÜ °Û Support for Intergraph PDS Review File Û °ÜÛÛÛ
°ßßÛÛÜÜ Ü Format NavisWorks Ltd., developers of Ü ÜܲÛßß
° ßßßß interactive viewing technology and ßßßßÛ
² JetStream, the leading 3D design review ² ²
² solution, today announced that they are Û ²
Û now shipping JetStream v5.2 which offers Û °
Û localisation for Chinese in addition to Û
Û increased file format support. Û
Û JetStream v5.2 introduces support for Û
Û Intergraph's PDS software .dri file format. Û
Û This development increases the benefit of Û
Û JetStream to PDS users and again Û
Û demonstrates our commitment to Û
Û interoperability and delivering Û
Û collaborative design review. Û
Û The .dri works as a reference file for PDS Û
Û pulling together multiple files including Û
Û .dgn and .drv files, as well as co-ordinate Û
Û and unit information tying them all Û
Û together in a single project space in Û
Û JetStream. Û
Û In addition support for AEC Design Û
Û Group's AutoCAD-based CADPIPE is Û
Û updated in line with its latest 2007 Û
Û release. Û
Û The JetStream 3D Studio Max exporter Û
Û will now work with 3DSMax8. Û
Û NavisWorks files can now be exported Û
Û from ArchiCAD version 10 and our Û
Û SolidWorks, SolidEdge and Revit file Û
Û support has been updated to the latest Û
Û version. Û
Û This release adds complete Simplified Û
Û Chinese localisation to German and Û
Û Japanese and the French GUI. Û
Û MicroStation DGN File Batch Conversion Û
Û JetStream v5.2 delivers a productivity Û
Û tool that enables all the MicroStation .dgn Û
Û files in a directory (and sub-directories) Û
Û to be converted into NavisWorks files Û
Û using the MicroStation exporter. Û
Û At A Glance - The Key JetStream v5.2 Û
Û Enhancements : Û
Û Intergraph PDS DRI file support Û
Û CADPIPE (based on AutoCAD 2007) Û
Û support Û
Û 3D Studio Max 8 .nwc exporter Û
Û ArchiCAD 10 .nwc exporter Û
Û SolidWorks 2007 file support Û
Û SolidEdge v19 file support Û
Û Revit .nwc exporter updates Û
Û MicroStation .dgn file batch conversion Û
Û Chinese localisation Û
Û 1) unpack
2) burn / mount
3) install
4) crack dir folder se our keymaker to generate your personalized serial. Þ 2.) Use our keygen to register ÝÛÛÞ
ÝÛÛÞ 3.) Enjoy! ÝÛÛÞ njoy!
NOTES: Sorry J
Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.Ab sofort wird ein großteil der Dateien mit WinRar 5.x gepackt. Die Dateien können mit alten WinRar Versionen wie 4.x weder geöffnet noch entpackt werden da nicht abwärtskompatibel. Installiert euch daher Winrar 5.x >WinRAR 5.x<
2) burn / mount
3) install
4) crack dir