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Waves QClone DX VST RTAS v1.0

Release: Waves QClone DX VST RTAS v1.0

Waves QClone DX VST RTAS v1.0

Q-Clone is a revolutionary new product utilizing unique (patent-pending) technology that lets you use your outboard hardware equalizer in a completely new way. By capturing the sound of your own gear, Q-Clone allows you to use that sound freely throughout your session, adjusting the sound of each track just as you would if you had dozens of that same hardware equalizer.

Let’s be clear: we’re not talking about mousing around on a plug-in “simulation” with “virtual” knobs. You’re using YOUR gear, not a software version of it. Turn the knobs on your classic box—Q-Clone captures and holds the exact sound in real time.

Q-Clone has two components: Q-Capture, which is used to capture the sound of your hardware, and Q-Clone, which shows you the equalization curve of your hardware and provides other functions. Q-Capture constantly samples the hardware unit’s sound, tracking every twist you make on your gear’s knobs in real time. The calibration feature lets you tune Q-Capture precisely to your unit’s headroom and dB range.

Even the most well-equipped studios have a limited supply of outboard EQs, which limits the channels you can put them on. That limitation disappears with Q-Clone. It’s like opening a closet and finding stacks and stacks (e.g. up to 24 instances of Q-Clone on a Mac G5 dual 2.5 with Pro Tools or 25 instances of Q-Clone on PC P4 3.6 with Pro Tools) of your favorite box—enough for every channel and more.

Put Q-Capture on an Aux track or dedicated audio track (depending on the DAW). Put Q-Clone on any of the other tracks that you want to process with your hardware EQ.

No more writing down the settings on your box to get the same sound when you return to the mix. Q-Clone holds your sound right there when your session opens.

Even more, save MULTIPLE settings as presets and instantly load, A/B and adjust them.

Q-Clone shows you the EQ curve your hardware unit is creating. The Add feature lets you equalize that equalization—like have two of your hardware units chained together. And the Trim adjustment ensures that gain is under control.

more info available at:


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