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Elemental Audio Systems Neodynium VST v1.0.3

Release: Elemental Audio Systems Neodynium VST v1.0.3

Elemental Audio Systems Neodynium VST v1.0.3

The new compressor generation.

Get in the zone

Don't get confused - this is not multi-band compression. Neodynium is an entirely different beast. Why always apply the same compression to all audio levels? Compress the louder levels with a quick attack; expand the lower levels with a slow release and leave the mid level sounds alone. Try it with a traditional compressor - you won't get far. Neodynium lets you break your audio levels up into "zones" so you can control them exactly how you want. No one size fits all compression here.

What are you looking at?

Thought you knew compression? Think again. Neodynium lets you visualize compression in a way you've never seen before (no transfer curves here). Just like a graphic equalizer provides valuable information for your equalization efforts, so does Neodynium provide critical info for your compression efforts. No more shooting in the dark - just the info you need for total control.

That's the key

Left channel, right channel, both or sidechain - Neodynium let's you choose the audio that will trigger its compression. Like it fast and hard or slow and smooth? You choose: select from Peak or RMS analysis of your key to get the results you want. And once you've got that nailed, get busy with the three available filters (7 filter types to choose from) to tweak your key audio to meet your needs. Whether you're ducking, de-essing or trying something new, Neodynium's key has you covered.

Features, features, everywhere

Neodynium's compression meters indicate how your attack and release are affecting the compression. Cloud meters show you where your audio levels are concentrated. There's even a built-in "Auto-Limiter" for those times when you want to ensure your audio doesn't go in the red. Automatic gain compensation, look-ahead, and more.
Neodynium's flexibility and power make it the ideal compressor for a wide range of audio professionals and a wide range of tasks.


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