Magix VariVerbPro v1.1 VST

Release: Magix VariVerbPro v1.1 VST

- Datum: 22.02.2007
VariVerb Pro (short for: VARIable reVERB) is a high-quality reverb
plug-in that runs on an algorithmic basis. It provides a series of
rooms, halls, reverb plates, spring reverbs and so-called non-linear
effects, which can be edited comprehensively and easily.
"Algorithmic" refers to the reverb impression not being created using
impulse responses, as is often the case nowadays. Instead the
calculation is based on mathematic models, like with classic reverb
devices. With VariVerb these algorithms can be chosen via a "model"
list, each specialized on a specific replica or a specific purpose and
given its own set of parameters. On the other hand, technology based
on convolution is only able to interpret a static copy of a process,
it doesn't know the room.
In fact, realistic reverberation is associated with dynamic,
non-linear, and highly interactive processes. Not only do these
conditions make sure that the artificial reverb method is constantly
updated, it also underlines the effect it has as a tool of artistic
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