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Wave Arts Panorama VST DX RTAS v5.3

Release: Wave Arts Panorama VST DX RTAS v5.3

Wave Arts Panorama VST DX RTAS v5.3

Go beyond the limitations of conventional stereo, without using
a surround system!

Panorama is a specialized tool for creating stunningly
realistic 3-D audio scenes using regular stereo sound. The DSP
technology in Panorama reproduces psychoacoustic sound
localization and distance cues, allowing you to pan sounds in
three dimensions: not just left and right, but up, down,
front, back, near, and far. Panorama combines 3-D audio
panning with acoustic environment modeling, including wall
reflections, reverberation, distance modeling, and the Doppler
pitch effect. While primarily intended for headphone
listening, Panorama also includes a crosstalk canceller for
playback over conventional stereo loudspeakers.

- Position and move sound in three dimensions
- Uses Head-Related Transfer Functions (HRTF) to reproduce
binaural sound localization cues.
- Integrated reverberation and distance cues
- Extensive control over dimensions and surface material of
all six surfaces of the room
- Doppler pitch effect
- Full automation support for creating moving sounds
- Crosstalk canceller for loudspeaker playback
- NEW- Stunning new visual interface design
- NEW- Preset control for each section
- Up to 96K support


Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.

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