SnappySoftware Snappy Fax v3.75.1.1

Release: SnappySoftware Snappy Fax v3.75.1.1

- Datum: 06.10.2006
ßÜßÛÜ° Û Snappy Fax includes the most extensive Û °ÜÛßÜß
ßÜßÛÜ° Û set of features of any stand-alone fax Û °ÜÛßÜß
ßÜßÛÜ° Û program in its price range. For that Û °ÜÛßÜß
ßÜßÛÜ° Û matter, we are not aware of any fax Û °ÜÛßÜß
ßÜßÛÜ° Û program in any price range that has as Û °ÜÛßÜß
ßÜßÛÜ° Û many features. Û °ÜÛßÜß
ßÜßÛÜ° Û Û °ÜÛßÜß
ßÜßÛÜ° Û Requirements: Û °ÜÛßÜß
ßÜßÛÜ° Û Û °ÜÛßÜß
ßÜßÛÜ° Û * Pentium class PC Û °ÜÛßÜß
ßÜßÛÜ° Û * Windows 95,98,ME,NT,2000,XP,2000 Û °ÜÛßÜß
ßÜßÛÜ° Û Server,2003 Server Û °ÜÛßÜß
ßÜßÛÜ° Û * Ram Required 64mb ram minimum, Û °ÜÛßÜß
ßÜßÛÜ° Û 128mb or more recommended Û °ÜÛßÜß
ßÜßÛÜ° Û * 20mb disk space (actual space Û °ÜÛßÜß
ßÜßÛÜ° Û requirments will depend on fax volume) Û °ÜÛßÜß
ßÜßÛÜ° Û * Fax Capable modem Û °ÜÛßÜß
ßÜßÛÜ° Û * Scanner (optional, if you want to Û °ÜÛßÜß
ßÜßÛÜ° Û scan paper documents for faxing) Û °ÜÛßÜß
ßÜßÛÜ° Û Û °ÜÛßÜß
ßÜßÛÜ° Û Û °ÜÛßÜß
ßÜßÛÜ° Û Note: Cable and DSL modems are not fax Û °ÜÛßÜß
ßÜßÛÜ° Û capable. They do not contain the Û °ÜÛßÜß
ßÜßÛÜ° Û circuitry required for communicating with Û °ÜÛßÜß
ßÜßÛÜ° Û fax machines. Your system can easily Û °ÜÛßÜß
ßÜßÛÜ° Û accommodate a fax modem along with your Û °ÜÛßÜß
ßÜßÛÜ° Û cable or dsl modem without hardware Û °ÜÛßÜß
ßÜßÛÜ° Û conflicts. Û °ÜÛßÜß
ßÜßÛÜ° Û
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