MultiBoot 2k10 v7.25.3 Unofficial 04.2020

Release: MultiBoot 2k10 v7.25.3 Unofficial 04.2020

- Datum: 07.05.2020
Größe: 5120 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Format: Exe
Plattform: Windows
Multiboot disk system administrator, based on bootloaders BOOTMGR (Windows 8.1), Isolinux / Syslinux v.4.06 and Grub4Dos v.0.4.6a. The disc consists of a large number of products, obedinonnyh shell with vozmozhnost download c CD , USB Flash Drive, USB-HDD and a conventional HDD. The main purpose - HDD preparation, installation of the OS (with vozmozhnostyu install Win 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista / 7 -! WinNTSetup utility installation packages in the assembly not included), creation / deployment system images, restore / copy data, resuscitation of the operating system and recovery boot OS clean from viruses / trojans and blockers / pornobannerov, testing the basic components of MS and much more.
There is a support network with vozmozhnost connect to the Internet and multimedia support. There vozmozhnostyu use most of the program from the assembly as a "portable" (fully portable, they are not, it's just a self-extracting in TEMP-Marketing directory with autoenrollment) and convenient way to connect software package assembly for use in a conventional OS or other PE-assemblies
List programs in the assembly
USB-driver PLOP v.5.0.11
C9PE Plus Pack (@ conty9) 2k10
WinPE 7x86 Live (@ Xemom1) Special Edition 2k10
WinPE 7x64 Live (@ Xemom1) Special Edition 2k10
WinPE 8x86 Live (@ Xemom1) Special Edition 2k10
WinPE 8x64 Live (@ Xemom1) Special Edition 2k10
WinPE 10x86 Live (@ Xemom1) Multilingual Edition 2k10
WinPE 10x64 Live (@ Xemom1) Multilingual Edition 2k10
Parted Magic 2017.03.14 / Linux Live-CD /
Linux-version of Acronis DDH v.12.0.3270 (rus)
Linux-version of Acronis TIES v.9.7.8398 (rus)
Linux-version of the Acronis TI Premium 2014 v.17.0.6673 (rus)
Linux-version of Acronis Universal Restore v.11.5.38938 (rus)
Linux-version of Acronis B & R Advanced v.11.5.39029 (rus)
Linux-version of Acronis Snap Deploy v.5.0.1416 (rus)
Linux-version of Acronis Align Tool for WD / Hitachi v.2.0.154 (eng)
Linux-version of Paragon HDM 12 v. (rus)
Linux-version of Paragon HDM 15 v. (rus)
Linux-version of MiniTool Partition Wizard Server Edition v.9.1 (eng)
Linux-version of TeraByte Image for Linux v.3.17 (eng)
DOS-version Acronis TIES v.9.7.8398 (rus)
DOS-version Paragon HDM 15 v. (rus)
DOS-version Hiren's Boot CD 15.2 (rus)
Big set of different DOS-utilities, and much more.
Installing Windows XP / 7/8/10 of the assembly
In the assembly, there are different ways to install Windows.
Some installation methods, including by means of add-ons, are painted in a file 2k10 \ GRUB4DOS \ WINXP.txt, as well as in 2k10 \ Programs-2k10 \ -Help- \ 2k10-FAQ.chm. Consider one of them.
Installing Windows 7/8/10 from the stick of _WIN folder \
To do this, put the Windows installation distribution to the appropriate folders:
_WIN, _ISO, 2k10 \ User.WindS - the unpacked distribution.
_WIN, _ISO, 2k10 \ User.Image - for disc images.
Download and unzip the addon ~ 2k10-WIN7-10 ~ on a USB flash drive / HDD.
Folder _WIN \ addon have to be at the root of a bootable USB drive / HDD.
Folder _WIN \ installation files / Windows images can be separately at the root of any drive / partition your HDD / USB-HDD.
Extract from his image from the Windows 7/8 / 8.1 / 10 (x32 / x64) folder Sources file install.wim / install.esd / install.swm the appropriate subfolder addon according to the Windows version of 8/7/10:
for Windows 7 x86 ---> folder _WIN \ 7x32
for Windows 7 x64 ---> folder _WIN \ 7x64
for Windows 7 x86-x64 ---> folder _WIN \ 7AIO
for Windows 8 x86 ---> folder _WIN \ 8132
for Windows 8 x64 ---> folder _WIN \ 8164
for Windows 8 x86-x64 ---> folder _WIN \ 8AIO
for Windows 10 x86 ---> folder _WIN \ 1032
for Windows 10 x64 ---> folder _WIN \ 1064
10 for Windows x86-x64 ---> folder _WIN \ 10AIO
Throw, if any, to $ OEM $ folder and file unattend.xml (relevant for Windows assemblies).
The menu / submenu Grub4Dos -> "DOS-install Windows" add-on will appear automatically.
The BCD-menu and the EFI BCD-menu it is also registered.
These subfolders are registered in the startup scr installations boot8x86.wim and boot8x64.wim. If you do not have enough of these sub-folders, then by their example you can add your own sub-folders (with their names) to your distributions of Windows and then run additional installations already using 78Setup or WinNTSetup utility. After adding these folders setup file install.wim / install.esd / install.swm, in install.wim.txt / install.esd.txt / install.swm.txt text file you have to write the name of your installation, and these names will be displayed in list in 78Setup utility window.
Other installation files install.wim / install.esd / install.swm (which for example are in a completely different folder on a completely different partition or drive) can be selected and run in the utility by pressing the window: "Select the file manually."
Add your own images (.iso) installation disks in _WIN folder, _ISO, 2k10 \ User.Image and these images are displayed in a list, in 78Setup Utility window. The rest of the images, you can select, install and run the tool in window by pressing "Select an image by hand."
Two loader boot8x86.wim and boot8x64.wim used for Windows installations
C using (x86) Windows boot loader set of digits of any subfolders (only in Legacy BIOS boot mode).
C using (x64) loader is only set (x64) -bit Windows (on Legacy BIOS boot mode and EFI / UEFI boot mode).
The EFI / UEFI boot mode by using the boot loader can be installed only boot8x64.wim (x64) Windows-bit and only for the disk with markings GPT.
If you do not need to install EFI / UEFI boot mode, it can be used generally for all installations only (x86) boot8x86.wim loader.
For detailed instructions for the addon itself neofitsialki ~ 2k10_Unofficial-WIN7-10 ~ can be found here.
Year: 2020
Software Version: 7.25.3 Unofficial
Developer: conty9 / Viktor Kisel
Language: English + Russian
Medicine: Disinfected
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