Cycling74 Pluggo VST RTAS v3.54

Release: Cycling74 Pluggo VST RTAS v3.54

- Datum: 11.09.2006
The Never Ending Plug-in
Pluggo 3.5 is an extraordinary collection of more than one hundred audio plug-ins. Pluggo works with sequencers and audio applications that support Audio Unit, VST, and RTAS plug-in formats. Version 3.5 is available for Windows XP and Mac OS X.
There has never been anything close to the selection of plug-ins assembled in Pluggo. With its range of sound design possibilities, Pluggo 3.5 is more than just a few effects-it's a real-time interactive audio processing, modulation, and synthesis environment that works right inside your favorite audio application. Effects categories include delays, filters, pitch effects, distortion, granulation, spectral effects, modulators, multi-channel effects, synthesizers, audio routing, reverb and dynamics, and visual display. It's easy to see why Pluggo has been winning rave reviews from critics and users since its release.
Originally just 74 eccentric plug-ins such as the legendary Feedback Network, Tapped Delay, and Swish, Version 3 added over 19 Essential Instruments–tasty and nourishing instrument plug-ins in a variety of flavors for your Audio Units, VST, or RTAS host application. These elegant and immediately effective instruments were created by eowave, the developers of the iSynth, and make full use of award-winning Max/MSP audio programming environment. While space only allows us to tempt you with a few descriptions, you'll find something for every palate, from the characteristically midwestern self-effacement of the Pretty Good Synth, to additive synths, analog-modeling drum and percussion synths, sampling, granular synthesis, FM synthesis, and some lovely waveshaping for that little sonic something extra. And you can seamlessly combine these exciting new instruments with Pluggo effects plug-ins and modulator plug-ins for a world of sonic possibilities you'll never exhaust.
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