DiscoDSP Highlife VSTi v1.4

Release: DiscoDSP Highlife VSTi v1.4

- Datum: 23.09.2006
Performance sampler with VSTi sampling, sample editor, five built in effects, flexible modulation, parameter morphing, highest offline resampling quality using 512 point SINC and a 260 MB sample library.
- Built-in VST host for 32bit sampling of VSTis (freezing).
- Built-in wave editor.
- Built-in library browser.
- 32-Bit floating point based wavetables.
- 128 Programs with unlimited zones.
- Up to 32 voices polyphony (Multilayered zone sampling engine)
- Selectable interpolation engines: Hermite, Sinc 64 and Sinc 512.
Both sinc modes are not suitable for realtime purposes but bouncing to audio.
- Morphable scheme and automatable zone parameters (incl. cue and loop points).
- Syncable LFO with configurable Phase.
- Stepping-free modulation sends, pitch bend and modulation to morphing wheels.
Sampler Import formats
- Auto mapping when multiple files are opened at once.
- Samples: .wav (8 to 32 Bit), .aif, .mp3, .raw.
- Programs: propietary .fxp/.fxb, .akp (Akai S5000/S6000), rgc:audio’s SFZ.
- Samples: .wav.
- Programs: propietary .fxp/.fxb, rgc:audio’s SFZ.
- Unlimited zones.
- ADSR amplitude envelope
- ADSR envelope filter and pitch assignable (both bipolar).
- -24dB/Oct filter modes: Lowpass/Hipass/Bandpass/Notch and disabled.
- Stepping-free Cutoff and Resonance.
- High quality Chorus, delay and reverb
- Wow factor effects: Daft and rock da disco.
- Full mono/poly and legato operation. ead *.NFO! Bitte die *.NFO Datei lesen ! 4 voices.
SoundFont 2 support (.SF2 files must be copied to Discovery_Pro_Data folder).
User.dwb folder bank added to enhance custom WAV file load workflow.
Fixed a bug that made SSE-only processors crash when plugin was instanced. ack contains the following languages: ARA, BR, ES, HEB, IT, NL, SV
CD3 of the Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCs Multilingual User Interface Pack contains the following languages: CS, DA, FI, NO, RU
CD4 of the Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCs Multilingual User Interface Pack contains the following languages: EL, HU, PL, PT, TR
CD5 of the Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCs Multilingual User Interface Pack contains the following languages: BG, ET, HR, LT, LV, RO, SK, SL, TH
Read *.NFO! und freuen bis die 'Ärzte' kommen ...
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>> Schritt 5: Klick auf 'Click and get the key'
>> Schritt 6: Mit Schlüssel aus OK-Fenster registrieren
>> Schritt 7: Genieße die Vollversion ...
--- ministration Û
Û The System Administration page provides..." Select that link. Û
Û 3. In the new window select the License link. Enter the regdata. Û
Û 4. Close browser, app, restart both, return to the same page you entered Û
Û the serial and you'll see it is regged. Û
Û or more simple, just add these lines in config\config.ini file Û
Û [common] Û
Û License = *xxxxxxxxx Û
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3) install
4) enjoy! s. 00 ! ° Î XPress v3.0.4.24 0 ! àÆÎÀ,Ïkeymaker into the install directory and run it.
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