Gandalfs Windows 10 Rs5 v1809 Build 17763 WinPE

Release: Gandalfs Windows 10 Rs5 v1809 Build 17763 WinPE

- Datum: 29.10.2019
Größe: 2840MB
Plattform:Windows 10
Wahrscheinlich das beste Windows PE der Welt.
System Rescue Boot USB-Stick (bootfähige ISO-Datei). Wenn Sie nach einem vorgefertigten Windows PE suchen, suchen Sie nicht weiter und verwenden Sie einfach Gandalfs Windows PE, da es mit vielen nützlichen Programmen ausgestattet ist. Es verfügt über einen Desktop, einen Explorer, ein Startmenü, Komprimierungswerkzeuge, einen Bildbetrachter, Festplattenwerkzeuge, einen Videoplayer, Fernzugriffswerkzeuge und vieles mehr.
Enthaltene Programme (zum Beispiel): AoMei Partition Assistan, WinRAR, Macrium Reflect, UltraISO, Ghost, Treesize, Macrorit-Datenlöscher, TeamViewer, VeraCrypt, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, Lazesoft Recovery Suite, ...
In diesem Windows PE enthaltene Tools / Dienstprogramme:
- AoMei Partition Assistant: Partitioning solution
- WinRAR: Powerful archiver and archive manager
- 7-Zip: Archiver and archive manager
- Defraggler: Disk Defragmenter
- MS Paint and Wordpad: Microsoft’s basic image and text editors
- Macrium Reflect: Backup and disk imaging solution
- CCleaner: System optimization, privacy and cleaning tool
- Media Player Classic: Classic Windows media player
- HWiNFO: Hardware information and diagnostic tool
- Snipping Tool: Screen capture application.
- Windows Defender: Microsoft’s excellent antivirus app
- TeamViewer: Remote control solution
- Double Drive: Driver backup application
- Winmerge: File comparison tool
- Opera: Web Browser, Fast, simple and safe way to get around on the web
- GetRight: Download manager
- Ntpwedit: Change or remove passwords for local system accounts
- Partition Wizard
- Virtual Keyboard
- Virtual Magnifying Glass
- DiskCryptor: Disk encryption application similar to Bitlocker
- Bitlocker: Microsoft’s disk encryption application
- Powershell: Powerful automation tool is both a shell and a scripting language
- UltraISO: Directly edit ISO files, make images from CD/DVD-ROM
- Unlocker: Unlocker helps delete locked files with error messages
- Gimagex: A graphical user interface for the ImageX tool
- SuperAntiSpyWare: Free Malware Remover
- Magic Jelly Bean Key Finder: A utility that retrieves your Product Keys
- HiJackThis: Spot home page hijackers and startup programs
- Ghost: The classic imaging tool
- Skype: Provides video chat and voice calls
- VNC Viewer: Remote Control Software
- Sysinternal Suite Troubleshooting Utilities
- VLC Media Player: Open-source cross-platform multimedia player
- IrfanView Image Viewer
- FastStone Image Viewer: User-friendly image browser, converter and editor
- Mozilla FireFox: Another great browser
- Easy BCD: Boot management tool and bcd editor
- Snipping Tool: Take snapshots
- Drive Snapshot: Disk imaging solution
- MyLan Viewer: Network/IP Scanner
= Rufus: Utility to format and create bootable USB flash drives
- Wise Data Recovery: Recovery program to get back deleted photos, documents, etc.
- WinToolkit: Customize Your Windows Installation
- ImgBurn: CD burning tool
- Treesize: Quickly Scan Directory Sizes and Find Space Hogs
- Klite Codec Pack Basic
- RecoverKeys: Retrieves your Product Keys
- Remote Desktop: Latest version of Windows remote desktop
- DismGui: Dism with a graphical interface
- Klite Codec Pack Basic
- Google Chrome: Great Browser
- Powershell: Automation scripting
...und viele mehr.
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