Magix Samplitude FX Suite VST v1.0

Release: Magix Samplitude FX Suite VST v1.0

- Datum: 22.02.2007
MAGIX presents three VST effect plug-in collections for Windows: AM | Suite (Analogue Modelling Suite), VE | Suite (Vintage Effects Suite) and VariVerb Pro (VARIable reVERB).
The release of these plug-ins enable you to use the effect plug-ins already integrated into MAGIX' flagship products Sequoia and Samplitude in any other VST-enabled audio products for the first time.
AM | Suite - Analogue Modelling Suite:
Plug-Ins: am-track, am-pulse, am-phibia
The Analogue Modelling Suite provides you with first-class audio tools based on replicas of classic circuit designs. This includes a high quality analogue compressor (am-track) with optional simulation of a studio tape machine's saturation effect, a transient designer (am-pulse) for influencing the signal envelope of percussive audio material and a tube pre-amp/channel strip (am-phibia).
"am-track" is a combination of an analogue compressor and a tape simulator in one single device. It is primarily used for so-called "tracking", i.e. editing individual channel strips or subgroup signals. Compression can be executed either as modern or "vintage". With emulation of the tape machine sound, typical aspects of the large, saturated sound characteristics of the magnetic recording for the hard disk studio can be made reality at low costs and high quality.
"am-pulse" is a "transient modeler", a creative tool for editing envelope and sustain processes on percussive or dynamic signals. Furthermore, the signal can be subtly "analogued" or considerably distorted by modulating the subsequent tube saturation and treble exciter sections.
"am-phibia" is a tube amplifier/channel strip. It combines an optical compressor with a pre and post filter unit. As a result of the various different filter circuits, the device can be varied to a large extent and used as a vocal pre-amp, tube guitar amplifier or to create "warmer" sound characteristics according to the input signal and audio style. With this tool, the sky's the limit to your creativity.
The plug-ins of the Analogue Modelling Suite recognize the number of incoming signals and can function automatically in mono to reduce processor strain by preventing the sending of another signal for calculation.
VE | Suite - Vintage Effects Suite:
This suite enhances the repertoire of your sound editing program with a chorus/flanger, delay and filter plug-in. CORVEX, ECOX and FILTOX are each based on the same basic handling principle: as required, a modulator (LFO) controls almost all knobs accessible via the "frontplate".
This very easy, but highly effective principle enables an almost inexhaustible supply of forms for sound design from subtle to crazy distortion effects. For example, on normal guitar choruses: with CORVEX you can have the sound travel through the room by changing a few modulation settings, with ECOX you can reinvigorate old tape echoes, and with FILTOX you can add more power to weaker drum loops.
In the following we present the individual effects of this suite and describe what the three devices have in common in their features, using examples from CORVEX, especially in relation to the handling of the modulation section and the modulation targets.
VariVerb Pro:
VariVerb Pro (short for: VARIable reVERB) is a high-quality reverb plug-in that runs on an algorithmic basis. It provides a series of rooms, halls, reverb plates, spring reverbs and so-called non-linear effects, which can be edited comprehensively and easily.
"Algorithmic" refers to the reverb impression not being created using impulse responses, as is often the case nowadays. Instead the calculation is based on mathematic models, like with classic reverb devices. With VariVerb these algorithms can be chosen via a "model" list, each specialized on a specific replica or a specific purpose and given its own set of parameters. On the other hand, technology based on convolution is only able to interpret a static copy of a process, it doesn't know the room.
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