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Space Tycoon

Release: Space.Tycoon-SKIDROW

Space Tycoon

"Space Tycoon" features a casual strategy gameplay, a rich trading system, a modified system and an interesting planetary event to unify the challenging mission of the entire galaxy as a game goal, while you manage the space station, Recovering the planet, defeating the enemy, building good relationships with the merchants, various events, and difficult missions will provide you with a great reward for your Star Trek.Build your own family power, regain all the planets, win the emperor's trust; issue orders every month, research technology, participate in activities, or be chased by the police, which will enrich your interstellar journey, during a limited term, how Effective use of time to achieve maximum benefits, this is what you have to think as a space stationmaster.main featuresTake dozens of different planets.Unlock each galaxy.A location facility with different functions.Time is tight and limited positions are available.Multi-layered depth of technology research and development.The main activities of the four major planets.Trade with hundreds of NPCs, negotiate, cultivate good sensibility, and accept tasks.Diverse and deep battleship configuration.Extremely rare high-end accessories, the best battleship

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