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Cadsoft Envisioneer 13.0 X64

Release: Cadsoft.Envisioneer.v13.0.X64-AMPED

Cadsoft Envisioneer 13.0 X64

Designers And Developers Involved in residential and light commercial/industrial work
and landscaping should take a close look at Envisioneer from Cadsoft.

It's easy to use and nicely segregates the various design tasks, such as building
shell and frame, interior design, 3D visualization and so forth.

It comes with plenty of symbols and an entire plant library and can easily import more.

At the end of the day, it writes a bill of materials and an AutoCAD-compatible file.

Cadsoft Envisioneer include 3D Home Architect Design Suite, Landscape Design
and Home Design (now branded by Encore).

Envisioneer, which first appeared in 2003, combines features of all three, but keeps
the design wizards and inviting interface.

At first glance, Cadsoft has positioned Envisioneer between inexpensive "amateur" CAD
programs (meant for the home-decorating stores and for those designing their dream homes)
and full-blown production CAD.

If you look beyond the user-obsequious wizards, however, almost all the professional
production CAD tools are there.

High-end Features:

In Envisioneer, drawing objects are true objects.

That is, they're aware of their surroundings and behave according to
their building application.

As with high-end CAD, doors, windows and structural elements such as floors, ceilings,
roofs, footings, members and columns are associated with walls.

Framing occurs automatically.

Moving a wall updates all the associated building elements that are connected to it.

Elements inserted on floors remain associated with floors.

Elements inserted on terrain remain associated with terrain.

Sinks automatically remain associated with cabinets.

Railings remain connected to stairs, skylights to roofs.

As in the real world, elements can't occupy another element's space.

Original Scene Release Read NFO.


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