Scientific Toolworks Understand 5.0.962 X64 / X86

Release: Scientific.Toolworks.Understand.v5.0.962.X64.X86-AMPED
Understand can take existing code and basically generate any design information or view you could
want to see, in addition to performing several useful types of analyses.
Understand is good for discovering the structure of the code dependencies and call-paths.
Understand is a tremendous reverse engineering tool with excellent metrics reporting and
evolving standards verification capability.
Legacy Code Maintenance
Comprehend and maintain poorly documented legacy code with great visualizations and metrics.
Visual Static Analysis
Visualize source code architecture to optimize software design.
The "Swiss Army Knife" of static analysis.
C++ Editor
Understand, combines a powerful code editor together with an impressive array of static
analysis tools that will change the way you work with code.
Understand supports:
* Visual Basic Support
* Codecheck Comment Keywords
* Application wide color schemes
* License Tracking
* Previewer window
* Annotation of individual lines
* VHDL control flow graph
* Java & C# UML Sequence diagrams
* Support for FORTRAN 2008
* Hersteller Initiative Software Codechecks
* Additional Codechecks
* C++14 Support in Strict parser
* Mac build bundled into .app to be compatible with MacOS Sierra
* MSVC 2015 Support
* Support for JIPSE MIL-STD-1750A assembly language
* C# Version 6 Support
* Assembly IBM System 370 including Control Flow Graph
* Visual Studio 2017 C++
* Pascal86 Syntax
* Web Languages: PHP, HTML, CSS, XML and JavaScript
Original Scene Release Read NFO.
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1 Datei 150,87 MB
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