CAESES is a flexible CAD platform for fast and comprehensive design studies with simulation tools.
Integrated capabilities for process automation and shape optimization make it an all-in-one
design tool for simulation engineers.
Geometry Modeling
CAESES foundation is a powerful and flexible parametric 3D modeler. The main purpose: Robust variable geometry with fewer parameters.
Create a clean and robust parametric geometry that is ideal for automated meshing and CFD analysis.
CFD Automation
Integrate, launch and control your CFD (or other) simulation runs. Let it be your flexible GUI for CFD automation incl. 3D post-processing.
Custom Templates
Get your flexible CAESES model in just a few days! Customized to your needs and easy to use. No CAESES expertise required.
CAESES offers integrated methods for automated design explorations and shape optimization.
Powerful Scripting
CAESES is a command-driven platform that can be fully scripted and customized. Includes batch mode capabilities.
Adjoint CFD
Accelerate your shape optimization process by mapping the results of an adjoint flow analysis to the geometry parameters.
Shape Deformation
Optimize imported geometries by using the shape deformation and morphing techniques of CAESES.
Original Scene Release Read NFO.
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