Heredis 18.4 2018

Release: Heredis.2018.v18.4-AMPED
Heredis 2018 is designed for both the researcher and the family tree builder.
The customizable interface is among the easiest to learn and most efficient to use and the charting tools
and options make this one of the best available ancestry management programs.
Do you have more options for showing your family tree and this is the only program
that provides high-quality, stylish options for both printing and sharing
the fruits of your research.
The charting and reporting options beat out other programs in both variety and style
and the interface and data entry are among the best designed.
If you’re looking for a family tree to print and frame or you want to make a book of
family stories and memories, Heredis 2018 is your best bet.
Original Scene Release Read NFO.
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1 Datei 248,91 MB
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