Resolume Arena 5.1.4

Release: Resolume.Arena.v5.1.4-UNION
Resolume Arena 5 is a popular choice for live visual triggering and mixing.
The software package has an easy to use interface with powerful tools
and advanced output options.
-Alpha channel support
-Size of composition and media limited by maximum texture size of video card
-Image mask on clips, layers and composition
-Unlimited number of layers and effects
-Position, rotate, scale and crop all your media
-Animatable parameters
User Interface
-Dark look to minimise eye fatigue in dark environments
-Single-window layout for most important user interface panes
-Integrated file browser for fast access to media
-Organise clips into decks to load an unlimited amount of preconfigured clips
-Preview the output before it goes live
-Sequence clips using the Auto pilot
-Fully automated clip transitions
-Use BPM clock to play media in time with the music
-Synchronise the BPM clock with other applications via MIDI clock
-Freely assignable crossfader
-Cue points to jump to different sections of a video file
-Reloop clips on the fly using the BeatLoopr
-Find and reconnect moved or missing media
-40+ transitions and blend modes like Add, Lighten, Alpha, and Lumakey to
combine layers and transition between clips
-70+ video effects included that can be applied to clips, layers and the
-3rd party FreeFrameGL plugins
-Unlimited number of effects can be applied to the clips, layers and
-Effect clips enable the same workflow for effects as clips
-Audio effects: Bitcrusher, Distortion, EQ, Flanger, High-Pass, Low-Pass
audio effects
-VST audio effects
-Combine video & audio effects to create audio-visual effects
-Control multiple parameters with one dial using the Dashboard
-Quickly save and restore effects presets
Video Output
-Edge blend multiple projectors to create one seamless image (Arena)
-Amount of outputs limited only by the number of output ports on video card
-Add more outputs by using a splitter like the Matrox TripleHead or Datapath X4
-Warp video to project onto objects. (Arena)
-Windowed or full-screen output to any computer display.
-Record composition to quickly create new clips
-Play unlimited number of Quicktime MOV and AVI video files
-Recommended Codecs: DXV, Photo JPEG, ProRes.
-Display PNG & JPEG Images
-Maximum video and image size is determined by the maximum texture size of
video card
-Play WAV audio files and the audio track from video files
-Real-time adjust the speed, play direction,
-Set in and out,-point of media files
-Loop, bounce (pong-pong), play once (one shot)
-Flash & Quartz Composer playback
-Control Flash and Quartz content with interactive parameters
-Input and Output with Blackmagic Design capture cards
-Input video from other applications via Syphon on the Mac and Spout on the PC.
-Control via MIDI, DMX and OSC
-Output and Receive DMX via Artnet and Enttec USB devices.
-Synchronise video playback to 2 SMPTE timecode inputs
Original Scene Release Read NFO.
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