WinUnisoft was designed specifically to be used in the learning-teaching process.
Without neglecting the technological content, the programme has been equipped with specific provisions to aid the
student in a fast acquisition of knowledge.
* Graphic help menu for programming all ISO functions.
* Adaptation of the software parameters to any tool machine (industrial or didactic).
* Definition of different types of parts and holding systems.
* Simulation in various 3D views with representation of the tool and paths.
* Graphic editor of cutting tools with a wide range of predefined shapes.
* Sectioned display of the work-piece from different angles.
* Calculation of machining time.
* Collision detection of the tool and the handle with the part and the jaw chuck.
* Inspection and measurement of the shape of the part. Detection of basic shapes (arcs, angles,…).
* Printing of the CNC programme and the graphic simulation.
* Connection via DNC with the numerical controls (sending, receipt and execution of programmes from the PC).
Original Scene Release Read NFO.
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