Engineering Dynamics Corp HVE 2D 13 SP1

Release: Engineering.Dynamics.Corp.HVE-2D.v13.SP1-AMPED
HVE-2D is a Crash-Reconstruction and Simulation Software which allows you to reconstruct and simulate
loss of control scenarios and crashes on relatively flat surfaces.
HVE-2D is an integrated environment for setting up and executing extensively validated reconstruction
and simulation models, such as EDCRASH and EDSMAC4, to study a motor vehicle crash.
These models allow users to reconstruct and simulate crashes involving one, two or any number of
vehicles, as well as loss of control of single and articulated vehicles.
HVE-2D with its built-in databases and visual user-interface can greatly reduce your data input and
calculation time while improving the reliability of your analysis.
For example, if your inputs have a vehicle moving in the wrong direction or a damage profile on the
wrong side of the vehicle, you will see it immediately.
HVE-2D also improves the accuracy of your analysis by providing engineering diagnostics and warning
messages pertaining to violations of the Laws of Physics.
All of this boosts your work performance and saves you time.
Original Scene Release Read NFO.
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1 Datei 331,77 MB
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