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Think Astronomy Where is M13 v1.5

Release: Think Astronomy Where is M13 v1.5

Think Astronomy Where is M13 v1.5

If you ask most amateur astronomers, "Where is M13?", they will tell you, "It's in the constellation Hercules". However, we all intuitively know that is not where it really is. We've heard that globular clusters like M13 are in a "halo" or "swarm" around our Galaxy. M13 must be there somewhere, but where exactly is it? ( see answer ) s

Where is M13? is a new and unique astronomy application that helps you visualize the 3-D locations and physical properties of common deep sky objects. This perspective is rarely discussed in astronomy books and software products on the market, which focus mainly on an object's apparent data such as its look, visual magnitude, apparent size, right ascension and declination. Where is M13? aims to address this important need.


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