Flash Effect Maker v2.8326

Release: Flash Effect Maker v2.8326

- Datum: 26.05.2006
Wide range templates to create flash intros, banners, ads ...
Flash Effect Maker is the great Flash effect tool to help web master design animated Flash intros, Flash banners, Flash ads, and any otherFlash. With Flash Effect Maker you can place your own photos as font frontground and page background. And then combine them with animated text, background effect to create fun Flash movies, all in just minutes.
The Flash Effect Maker enables you to create simple as well as complex Flash animations where by you can combine different fonts and effects within a single Flash animation. Flash Effect Maker is very user-friendly, wide range effect templates ready for use, and you don't need any Flash or programming skills to use it.
Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.Ab sofort wird ein großteil der Dateien mit WinRar 5.x gepackt. Die Dateien können mit alten WinRar Versionen wie 4.x weder geöffnet noch entpackt werden da nicht abwärtskompatibel. Installiert euch daher Winrar 5.x >WinRAR 5.x<
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