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VA - Shogun Audio Presents The Classics (2004

Release: VA-Shogun_Audio_Presents_The_Classics_(2004-2017)-(SHA131)-WEB-2017-ENSLAVE

VA - Shogun Audio Presents The Classics (2004

01. Spor - Aztec 05:45
02. Technimatic feat. Zara Kershaw - Parallel 04:52
03. Noisia - Brainstitch 06:28
04. Jonny L Superfly 7 - Back to Your Roots (Friction K- 05:04
05. Moby - Porcelain (Pola Bryson Remix) 05:27
06. Friction Camo Krooked feat. Dynamite MC - Stand Up 04:18
07. Alix Perez feat. Peven Everett SpectraSoul - Forsaken 06:01
08. Technimatic feat. Lucy Kitchen - Looking for Diversion 04:35
09. SpectraSoul feat. Terri Walker - Light in the Dark 04:52
10. Icicle feat. Sp:MC - Dreadnaught 04:48
11. Total Science S.P.Y. - Gangsta 05:02
12. Technimatic - Bristol 04:52
13. Rockwell - Detroit 04:37
14. SpectraSoul - Hearts 04:37
15. Friction Dimension - Kinetic (Friction vs. Dimension) 04:29
16. Rockwell - Please Please Please (Play This on the Radio 06:59
17. Alix Perez - Contradictions 05:47
18. Ed:It - Babylon Step 05:15
19. Joe Ford - Off Centre 05:14
20. Fourward - Over 04:33
21. Friction K-Tee - Set It Off 04:41
22. Rockwell - Full Circle 06:26
23. Break - Let It Happen 06:08
24. Phace - Strange Science 05:19
25. Icicle - Minimal Funk 04:33
26. Commix - Faceless 05:50
27. Friction feat. McLean The Prototypes Remix - Someone (T 04:18
28. Alix Perez feat. MC Fats - Down the Line 06:27
29. JO - R-Type 05:51
30. Subwave - Think 05:58
31. Various Artists - Shogun Audio Presents: The Classics ( 57:09


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  • 1 Datei495,61 MB
  • 1 Datei495,61 MB

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