Sonic Flavours DP5 VST v1.01

Release: Sonic Flavours DP5 VST v1.01

- Datum: 31.05.2006
- Sounds phenomenal
- 1 ms to 5 secs
- Tempo division and BPM time modes
- Tape simulation, chorussing, flanging and acoustics emulation
- Extremely CPU friendly
- Great for guitars, vocals, beat making and frippertronical stuff
Fully VST-compatible for Windows (now) and MacOS X (very soon!)
The DP5 integrates all common features found on audio delays in an extremely adjustable way. The DP5's algorithm and controls allow for the full spectrum of clean, crisp delays with non-distorting modulation to pulsing and groovy feedback delays following musical beat patterns perfectly synced to your VST host. Everything you would possibly want from a delay is there. Great for all sorts of dance music but also great for very subtle sound designing and creating spaciously full and open sounding mixes. And not to forget: great for rock music! It's a musical tool we are sure you're going to enjoy!
This digital parrot (since the P stands for parrot) is able to reproduce exactly the same thing as you put into it. However like every other parrot does, the DP5 will add a lot of its own character to your original signal as much, as subtle or as monstrous you want it to be. The DP5 can sound wonderfull, the DP5 can sound also very bad....whatever!
If your computer is younger than 3 years old, you can open up more DP5's than you will probably need!
The DP5 may be slaved to a host's tempo (extern) or follow an internal BPM reference (extern off). The DP5 can also be tweaked in absolute time (milliseconds) ranging from 1 ms to 5 seconds.
Here's where the DP5 shows of its capabality to be great at emulating a chorus or a flanger when used with short delay times (<30 ms). When the DP5 will be used as a more common functioning delay, the DP5's modulation section can add a nice and warm silky touch to your delayed signal by gently varying the pitch of the delayed signal. However the user can control how gentle the effect should be.
The powerfull EQ section of the DP5 has a hi pass and a lo pass filter as well as a peak EQ. Used in combination with the Headroom function the DP5 all of a sudden appears to be a very subtle but powerfull tool for those with highly creative and superb sonic expectations. The DP5's Headroom control knob is one of the icings on the cake. With this function you can simulate either analog tape saturation or tape compression effects. Great for controlling feedback levels like it's commonly done in dub music. Also great for short delays on vocals or drums adding some nice warm distortion to the delayed signal. A magic knob for those who want to add something special to their sound.
Feedback can be set individually for the left and right delay signal. Same goes for cross feedbacking where the DP5 can be changed into an endlessly screaming monster or become a stereo ghost note generator for rhythmical patterns.
Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.Ab sofort wird ein großteil der Dateien mit WinRar 5.x gepackt. Die Dateien können mit alten WinRar Versionen wie 4.x weder geöffnet noch entpackt werden da nicht abwärtskompatibel. Installiert euch daher Winrar 5.x >WinRAR 5.x<